Saturday, September 6, 2008

My father's day

I don't post too often about my personal life on this blog, but today I would like to make an exception.

It is my father's 32nd death anniversary - he passed away on September 6, 1976 at the relatively young age of 58. Last year I put together a webpage about him, linked through my homepage. So today, in his memory, I would like to direct my readers - even if there are only one or two - to that webpage.

I've been thinking about him a lot today and have begun to realise that his profoundest legacy to me was the concept of "following principles". But more about that another time.

1 comment:

Anant said...

Very moving article on your father by your uncle. I was impressed by the description of the case he describes in the article. It must be noted that it is very hard to come across such men of integrity these days, in law and jurisprudence, or elsewhere

Is it too hard to write your own recollections? Presumably you were quite young at the time of his passing, but surely there must be enough for you to write.

BTW, in my humble opinion there is nothing wrong in putting down personal matters on a blog. After all it is supposed to be like a diary, isn't it? Not a scientific almanac or a travelogue.